"THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 504 [A Book Token for one
guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week November 30th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2]d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the mane of the winner will be published in the folios: ing issue.]
ACROSS 1. Not a rare book, evidently. (11.) 9. " -, not gaudy ; For the apparel oft proclaims the man " .(Shake- speare). (4.) 10. Such a railway turnover would lead to some confusion. (6, 4.) 11. Five hundred and one garments being taken off. (7.) 12. The offspring doesn't come into so much. (7.) 14. On the stage it is generally the lime variety. (9.) 16. Sufferance was the badge of Shylock's. (5.) 19. It would save a lot of trouble if they would give themselves airs. (5.) 20. Progressing in neighbourly fashion, they fail to meet. (9.) 22. An artisan of quiet timber. (7.) 24. Strip. (7.) 27. " The grand plainly to be seen, To get some men rest out and some put in " (Defoe). (10.)
28. This instrument eventually got 131- (4.)
29. Transgress until eight ? That's a sound and bright idea. (11.) DOWN 2. It's a dull task to produce this pigment. (5.) 3. Proverbial non-starter. (8.) 4. " That - is out of drawing " (Swinburne). (4.) 5. In literature the honest ones were associated with an enamoured sage.
(6.) - 6. The rotter is spiritual, it seems. (9.)
7. The man from it urns on the stage. (8.)
8. The man we divide on. (4.) 13. 17 sounded a warning against it. (5.) 15. Mute chair (snag.). (9.)
17. " I lift to the swell, I cry I " (Kipling). (4, 4.)
18. All get a share ? Only two-thirds. (8.) 21. Classical figure who appears to make a negative memorandum. (6.) 23. Still new ? (4.) 25. Make fast. (5.) 26. It can always be found in a really frigid region. (4.)