A Spectator 's Notebook
T HE term " a Pyrrhic victory " comes, I believe, from the exclama- tion of Pyrrhus after Asculum, "one more such victory and we are lost." Mr. Herbert Morrison probably......
There Is A Misleading Air Of Informality About The Judicial
Inquiry into Alleged Irregularities in Government Departments (to give the full title to what some papers more tersely call " the Probe "). Since this is not a court of law,......
The Steel Bill Debate
/17 HE three-day debate in the House of Commons this week I left the case against the Iron and Steel Bill not merely unshaken but unmenaced. The arguments adduced by Government......
There Is, As Is Well-known, A Long-standing Convention...
whereby books arc sent out for review in advance on the understanding that no notice appears anywhere till the day of the book's publication. Thus an unseemly scramble to get in......
I Must Permit Myself To Do What I Have Never
done before, and never expected to do—pay tribute to a railway sandwich. Having a few days ago to travel by a train which left King's Cross at 12.15 and would with luck reach......
A Reference In A Recent Report Of The Ministry Of
Works to the new Foreign Office is interesting. Not everyone knows that Mr. Bevin and all his satellites are to be moved en masse to Carlton House Terrace. Actually this is only......
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A two-line mention of the death of Dr. Curtius this week may well seem as much as such an event deserves. Yet Dr. Julius Curt:us will live in history as chief architect of a......