Sin,—The tithe agitation has fallen chiefly and most heavily upon this diocese. From complete and accurate returns made to me last month, I know the extent and the severity of the distress among the clergy in the diocese of St. .Asaph. "Starvation" is an ugly word, but it represents the condition to which several of the Welsh clergy are being brought by this agitation. The distress is keenest in the small rural parishes. The stipend of the country clergyman in Wales is too often but a poor pittance at the best. I can give case after case where even this pittance has been reduced almost to nothing by the present condition of affairs.
After careful and anxious consideration and consultation with those best able to advise, I feel it my duty to appeal to English Churchmen for funds to assist their Welsh brethren in their present distress. A large sum of money is needed to meet the most pressing cases of distress in this diocese. I shall be glad to receive subscriptions from those willing to help, and I promise that every care shall be taken in the dis- tribution of the money entrusted to me.—I am, Sir, &a.,