The State And The Eighth Commandment. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR."' Sin,—Perhaps the controversy between the Spectator and Mr. Llewelyn Davies in respect of the rights of the State over individual property may be in part......
The Liberals And The Allotments Bill. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR." ] Sin,—There surely are many excuses to be made for the posi- tion taken by some of the Liberal Party towards the Allot- ments Bill. The Agricultural Holdings......
"the Book Of Sun-dials."
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—A new edition of the above work will shortly be pub. lished, and I venture to ask that if any of your readers know of dial-mottoes which......
A Song Of Last Summer.
SWALLOWS soar in the blue, Butterflies dance on the green, Roses are blushing the garden through, With lilies laughing between; O'er the boughs long bare to the blast A......
NATURE'S REPLY TO THE PESSIMIST. THE voice of God hath sounded in the ears Of many men ; theirs is the happier fate. But thou, leas favoured, who amidst thy tears Host scanned......