19 OCTOBER 1934, Page 1

NEWS OF THE WEEK THE more decisive the evidence attributing

the Marseilles crime to agents of terrorist organizations, the greater must be the anxiety for the members of royal houses and Cabinets assembled for King Alexander's funeral at Belgrade. But apart from the fear of some fresh outrage there, the political sky is clearing hopefully, a fact for which both governments and peoples of all the countries most concerned may claim some credit. Signor Mussolini resolved from the first that the Marseilles incident should be made the occasion for a détente between Italy and Jugoslavia, and the attitude of the Italian Press throughout has been entirely commendable. The evidence connecting the murder with Dr. Pavelic's terrorist organization across the Hungarian frontier is a matter which the Government of Jugoslavia will no doubt take up with the Hungarian Government. The right place to do that is at Geneva, where the matter has been already raised, and Hungary will be expected to take decisive measures to free herself of the charge that she is knowingly harbouring a school of assassins.