19 OCTOBER 1934, page 3

The Betting Bill It Is To Be Hoped There Is

no truth in the rumour that the Government is weakening in its attitude to the Betting and Lotteries Bill in consequence of the con- centrated attack on it by certain sectional......

A Library Censorship ?

No experienced person, aware of the abuses that may take place under a censor, will lightly advocate that books should be brought under his ban. But the Public Libraries......

The South Wales Arbitration There Was Little -doubt That The

Minister of Labour, if given a free hand, could appoint a court of arbitrators who would- be acceptable to the coal-owners and the miners as persons qualified to give a fair......

The Building Lag In Considering Progress Already Made In...

new houses under the five-year slum clearance scheme, it is fair to remember that Sir Hilton Young never promised or expected that the necessary average rate of building would......

* * A * English Cooking There Is Every Reason

why the polite criticism of English cooking which was offered by M. Herbodeau, President of the French Culinary Society, should receive the full attention of members of the......

Foreign Trade Improving Those Who Have Been Saying That No-

subStantial further improvement in the employment figures was to be looked for until our foreign trade increased were probably right. The September unemployment figures in fact......