19 OCTOBER 1934, Page 1

Prince Paul's Task But the problem of Jugoslavia is in

the first instance internal.- Here again, where the murder of King Alex- ander might have served to exacerbate relations between Serbs and Croats, it is, in fact, having the opposite effect. Everything will depend on whether Prince Paul, who although actually only one member of a Regency Council of three will act virtually as sole Regent; has the wisdom and the courage to pursile a policy of active conciliation. That will mean breaking with some of the old army chiefs, forming- a Ministry of national consolidation, reprieving various--political prisoners, and relying on- that section of the younger generation which has grown up as Jugoslav rather than as merely Serb or Croat or Slovene. There are signs that Prince Paul recognizes that as a policy he should follow.. If at the same time the Council of the Little Entente Ministers. meeting on the morrow of the funeral, is able to consolidate relations between the three countries still further, the anxiety whicfi the Marseilles murder everywhere inspired may begin to be dispelled. Signs are not altogether lacking that Europe as a whole is beginning to rise from the trough of the wave.