Oscillations in Austria The situation in Austria is not altogether
reassuring, for there are signs that the Government, despairing of a ' general consolidation, is turning to the Right and seeking a modus virendi with the Nazis. Whether that means a deepening of the breach with the Socialists is not yet entirely clear. Such a development would be profoundly unfortunate, for it was, after all, the Nazis who conspired against the Republic in July. The clash with the Socialists in February is not to be laid at the door of the Socialists alone, and the time is far overdue for some conciliatory move in that direction. Dr. Winter is still endeavouring to bridge the gulf, but the release of some of the Socialist leaders still imprisoned is necessary before the Government can hope for support from the Left against the extremists of the Right. Without such a move it will be difficult to create in this and other countries the impressions that the endeavour to achieve national unity is being prosecuted in earnest. The Government's intentions would be better understood if more were known of the tenor of the conversations between Herr von Papen, who has just returned to Berlin, and the Austrian Foreign Office.