19 OCTOBER 1934, Page 42

World Tours and Winter, Cruise;

Bibby Line. --Fortightly: sailings from Liverpool to Egypt, Ceylon, Burma and Straits Settlements at specially reduced return fares. Gibraltar and Marseilles are also ports of call convenient for Mediterranean tourists: Inclusive of return fares, a 17-day tour of Egypt can be undertaken " at a 'cost Of £76, first class

_throughout, or--£103 10s. including the Nile voyage. •

Blue Star. Line.—This , company offers three _alternatives to seekers of winter sunshine. First, a 47-days " round. voyage ". to the cities bf South AineriCa via Lisbon, Madeira and TeneriffeJny one Aar _other at their_ fleetnt luxury liiiers at -fares-from £92, or from £105 inclusive _of first-class hotel achomModation when o.shore. -Seeond; a Chiistmas West- African-cruise by the.' Amadora Star' occupying 20 days from December 22nd. Fares front 34 guine&s inclusive. 'Third, ahalf-ivaYf /Timid the world-tour of 21,450 mires to Java, Malaya, Bali, Mauritius, South Africa; Ceylon, Tunis, Arabia, Cairo and-orber sunny spots. The Atiration of this cruise is from January 26th. to April .11th. Port of embarkation is Southampton and the coit front' 14'5 guineas by the Arandora

Star.' _

Booth Line.—One thousand miles up the Amazon is the destina- tion of the s.s. Hilary,' sailing from Liverpool on December 8th. The tour occupiei seven weeks. Fares are "from £75 to £109, inclusive of all shore excursions. Another sailing by the same vessel will be on February 8th. - Canadian Pacific.—Another world cruise by the, famous Empress of Britain ' is due to start from Monaco on January 23rd. Plates to be visited, include the Mediterranean, Palestine, Egypt, India, Ceylon, Siam, Java, Bali, the Philippines, China, Japan, Honolulu, California, Panama, Cuba and New York. Return to Southampton on May 27th. Including shore excursions, the minimum fare is 410 guineas. On February let, also from Monaco, the Empress of Australia' will make a tour to East and South Africa and South America, via Italy, Greece, Egypt, Kenya, Capetown, then across to Buenos Ayres and up the South American coast to Trinidad and

the West Indies, Ste. Cost from 257 guineas inclusive. •

Cunard-White Star Line.—The `Homeric' will begin a Christmas cruise of 15 days on December 21st from Southampton, visiting Lisbon, Canary Isles, Madeira and the Tropics. Boxing Day will be spent at Las"Piffraas and New Year's Day at Madeira. From 26 guineas. A more extensive cruise by the same liner starts on January 26th to the West Indies ; 46 days from 90 guineas. The Franconia,' which on January 12th begins_ a voyage from New York of nearly 38,000 miles, visiting 35 ports, will leavo Southampton on December 29th, or the- connexion at New -York may be made by the Majestic,' leaving this country on January- 2nd. Inclusive of shore excursions, this -tour costs 395 guineas. The

return will be made in early June. . .

-Dollar Line.—Round the world as you please is the " slogan " of this company, which will plan such a tour over their regular steam- ship services at fares costing from £109, or a trans-Pacific tour between San Francisco, Seattle or Victoria, B.C., and Japan, China and the Philippines. Including the Atlantic :Voyage, rail across li.S.A.-er Canada and the Pacific voyage, the fares are froM £58.

Elleintan and Bucknall Line.—On December 15th. the City of Exeter ' sails for South Africa, allowing passengers to carry out a 65-clays' tour via Madeira, Capetown, Port Elizabeth, Ettat London, Natal and Lourenee, Marques for a sum of 80 guineas. There are no hotelOilp-etisea involved and cabins on board are all s3award. A similar tour may be made, starting on January 12th.

' 7

liellenic Travellers Club.—The Club has chartered the Anchor- Donaldson liner Letitia' for a series of cruiaeadurhig 1935— Ths first of these begins on February 5th from Glasgow, then visiting Plymouth, Gibraltar, Malaga, Algiers and Marseilles. The return home takes place on February 15th. Cost per passenger, 10 guineas. The second cruise is longer. The duration of this is from February 15th to March 18th, and ports of call include Marseilles, Palermo, Malta„ Palestine, Egypt, Cyprus, Rhodes, Constantinople and Athens. Fare 45 guineas.

Orient Line.—At a cost of 30s. a day one can enjoy three months' first-class comfort on a round voyage to Australia by an Orient liner, i.e., for £140 there and back, including visits to Gibraltar, Toulon, Naples, Port Said, Aden, Colombo and the five Australian capitals. Sailings from -Tilbury October 27th, November 10th, December 8th, December 22nd and January 5th. The Ormonde,' which leaves on December 8th, is a one-class steamer.

Pacific. Line.---` Orbits' and" Orduna ' leave Liverpool on December 6th and January 31st respectively for 74-day round voyages to Bermuda, Bahamas, Havana, Jamaica, Panama Canal, Peru and Chile at fares of £110 that class, £75 second class and £40 third class.

Royal Mail Line.—The Atlantis' leaves for a Christmas cruise on December 21st to .West Africa 'and the Atlantic Islands. Madeira, Gambia, Sierra Leone and Las Palmas are visited : 20-day cruise. Fares from 34 guineas. The Asturias ' will undertake a special winter cruise of 65 days' duration on January 22nd. Fares are from 145 guineas, and the places visited include Colombo, East Indies, South and West Africa, Las Palmas, &c.

Union-Castle Line.—Round Africa tours by Castle liners begin on December 27th and January .3rd from Louden. 'The return dates "are approximately March 4th(Southampton) and-March 12th (Lencldn) respectively. Reduced fares.-for the voyage are £105 first class and £40 tourist elem. Reduced return fares to Capetown are tl,th-,iu 'force on vessels. leaving Noyeinher pecenAber 28th, January 11th arid- Pebiusiy 1st. These are £90 first class, £60 second class and £30 tourist class. Also Christmas tours to Madeira from Southampton on December 14th and 21st : £20 first class.