19 OCTOBER 1934, Page 50

"The Spectator" Crossword No. io8 By ZENO [A prize of

one guinea trill be siren to the sender of the first correct solution of this mesh's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Croturword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. SalltiOtli should be on the form appearing below. The numb of the winner will be published in our next issue.]

- 2



4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .






15 Ci 11 17

. 18

'-i 7 121 .5



23 [2 25 126 127


29 141 3


32 33 3





1. So it ate chips (snag.).

11. Interested in skeletons, no doubt.

14. Bird with a silent head.

16. This will stretch out from either end.

17. First and last of 27.

18. The head once turned, retire backwards before eight.

19. Loch Ness monster or snow in June.

21. What he does to 30 if present (rev.).

23. What most like to taste but hate to feel.

26. An Imperial address if what comes after also went before.

27. To get this, it must come into your mind..

28. Even if she doesn't count with it, she doesn't want to be without it.

29. To do this musically, one must be what it says (rev.).

31. The equator is this. Red heading.

35. Adore with spice.

36. Often the condition behind another car.

• 37. 27's head turned round.

DOWN 1. Descriptive of a long sermon at night.

2. Send to a cathedral city.

3. Answer where it says.

4. Even if there were nothing for me, it would make

very little difference to this opening.

5. It looks as if the result were to fetch the girl, in com- pany.

6. The * after the I of 28.

7. rev. Obviously, what the Atlantic is.

8. Lack of a sibilant leaves the self-disciplinarian sour.

9. A famous direction concern- ing lips.

10. An eel can be this even without a current.

12. Wormwood.

13. If you want a word for these spaces don't do what it says.

15. A burning crime.

20. Crop-production, perhaps. , 22. Concerning an ancient • alphabet.

24. Kinds of moths.

25. Measure out of 18.

30. We are told to do this often.

33. This in the middle of 24 would vulgarly explode. • 34. Holder of honour.