Sta,—Dr. Shackleton Bailey is greatly daring in arguing for an abbrevia- tion of secondary school holidays in future. Whether he is right or wrong on that point I do not know, but he certainly sins against the light in asking for the'school summer holiday to be limited to the month of August. He has ignored the urgent need of "staggering." Those of us who are concerned with the post-war holiday crisis as a whee, i.e., with the huge discrepancy between the vastly increased effective demand for a holiday-away-from-home and the totally inadequate facilities that will exist in Britain in 1946, are pinning our hopes on strong official and unofficial action to spread over the holiday season from May to October. It will be difficult enough to achieve this for adults. Habits are hard to break. But we certainly look to the schools and education authorities of the country to put no difficulties in the way of the necessary staggering of the family holiday. They might even give a lead in the matter, thus rendering a high service to the community in helping to solve a very
Council of Social Service).