School Holidays
Sta,—Dr. Shackleton Bailey is greatly daring in arguing for an abbrevia- tion of secondary school holidays in future. Whether he is right or wrong on that point I do not know,......
Sir,—in Regard To Dr. Shackleton Bailey's Article On...
in The Spectator on October lath, we would like to say that from the public school boy's point of view his statement that there is one whole holiday a week, apart from Sunday,......
Letters To The Editor The Conference Deadlock
Sta,—I would like to express my profound agreement with the comments in your leader of October 12th on the London deadlock. As you say, the difference is fundamental. This need......
A City Of Nations
SIR, —You have referred in your paper to a suggestion regarding a City of Nations to be founded, on the territory of which the future inter- national organisations may be......
Sir,—three Practising Grammar School Teachers Feel That...
retired Headmaster to suggest a shortening of school holidays for the weary members of the profession who are still carrying on. Only those actually doing the teaching can......