SIR,—Reading your leading column in the issue dated October stb,
con- cerning demobilisation of the Forces, I must disagree very strongly with your statement: "the acceleration is to be effected without abandoning the fundamental principle based on age and length of service." How can you reconcile this with the fact that up to the period ending next June the R.A.F. will begin on Group 28, the Army on Group 31, and the R.N. on Group 45?
The members of this unit resent very much this state of affairs, because the work done by them is also carried out by a similar service in the R.N., and there is no cogent reason for such a wide difference in the same scheme. I shall be glad if you can give this aspect some publicity, as it does affect a large number of R.A.F. personnel.—Yours faithfully, H. J. PEACOCK,