A Rabbit Acrobat Harvest, and haysel, are dangerous events for
a good many animals, and there are some hair-raising escapades. The other day, for example, a young rabbit was tossed on to the canvas moving platform as the blade of the cutter-and-binder passed underneath it. Skilfully evading the string and the iron arm it skipped off into the frying-pan of greedy onlookers and got safely away from the double danger. On the other hand, a fully- grown rabbit lay so closely that it was killed instantly by a potato-lifter and carried off in pride by one of the boys who were collecting the unearthed tubers. Hands there, as almost everywhere, were short (as they should not be), but the boys worked with great zest, thanks in part to the wisdom of the farmer. He told each boy that he might take away as his booty the biggest potato he could find ; and the zeal to discover a giant proved most stimulating. One boy, carrying an immense King Edward, announced how it would be baked in its jacket for his supper. That, of course, is the way to treat a potato. Even when boiled in the ordinary way they keep a much more distinctive flavour when boiled in their skins. If first two narrow slices are taken off in crossing circles the skins fall off of themselves, having played their part.