Million-dollar draw
From Mr Donald Dougherty
Sir: Guy Walters's article (`Our shameful Nazi fetish', 12 October) was spot-on. However, the fetish he speaks of is hardly restricted to the UK. A cousin of mine and her husband, who live in Albany, NY, made their first trip to Germany a few years ago.
First stop absolutely had to he Hitler's retreat at Berchtesgaden, which my cousin's husband videoed from top to bottom. It was one of his greatest thrills. Subsequently, I saw an interview with the mayor of the town in which Berchtesgaden lies. He was asked, 'Why do you keep this shameful memorial to Hitler open when it commemorates one of the world's most evil men?' The mayor responded that he had long wanted to dynamite the structure, but tourists, mainly Americans, found it one of the wonders of the world, and it brought in millions of tourist dollars each year.
Donald Dougherty
New York City
From Mr Charlie Corbett Sir: I read with concern Guy Walters's anatomy of the Englishman's supposed unhealthy obsession with the Third Reich as it became increasingly apparent that it was my old prep school about which he was writing.
I would like to make it quite clear to Mr Walters that we were not all miniature Nazis. I concede that I wasn't averse to the odd Commando magazine in sick-bay (when I could get hold of one), and it is true that many a second world war campaign was indeed re-enacted in 'Shrubs', but when it came down to it the only Nazis I can remember were some of the masters, not us boys.
I cannot speak for Mr Walters, but my Airfix models were all strictly Hurricanes and Spitfires — the Luftwaffe didn't get a look in.
Charlie Corbett
(Cheam School, 1985-90), London SW 11