19 OCTOBER 2002, page 87

Parky And The Jockstraps

Michael Henderson THE postman brought a book last week, unsolicited but none the worse for that. Called simply Michael Parkinson on Cricket, it is just that, a book on the......

Q. At A Party Recently We Reconnected With A Couple

we had not seen for a few years. We agreed to have dinner soon, and duly invited them. They then had us back, and we were happy to have re-established the relationship. When we......

Q. I Have Recently Formed A Strong Attachment To An

alluring lady, but am unable to tell whether her feelings are as strong as my own. Encouragingly, she has started to address me as 'darling', but I now discover that this is a......

Q. I Have Invited Some New Friends To Stay Over

half-term. Now, neighbours have emailed saying that they know these new friends very well and can they come over, with their house-party, after dinner on the Saturday night. We......