19 SEPTEMBER 1829, Page 14


At a Court of Directors held at the India House, on Wednesday, the following ships were thus stationed viz.; Thomas, Coutts, Capt. A. Chrystie ; Duchess of Atholl, Capt. E.M. Daniel ; Abercrombie Robinson,' Capt. I. Ivies; Berwickshire, Capt. F. Madan, nod Lord Lowther, Capt. C. Steward, for Bombay and China. London, Capt. T. Smith, and Castle Hooray, Capt. H. A. Drummond, for Madras and China. Dunira, Capt. J. P. Wilson; William Fairlie, Capt. W. Blair ; Mar:queen, Capt. R. Lindsay ; Reliance, Captain C. S. Timmins ; and General Harris, Captain I. Stanton, for Bengal and China. Orwell, Captain It. H. Isacke, for St. Helena, Bombay, and China. Marquis Camden, Captili 11 T. Larkins, far St. Helena, Straits of Malacca, and China. Edinburgh, Captain II. li. flax ; Canning., Captain P. Baylis ; George the Fenrth, Captain I. W. Barrow ; Sir David Scott, Captain I). S. Ward; and Earl Balcarres, Captain B. Broughton, for China direct.

Arriverb-At Gravesend, Sept. 15th, Mary, Shuttleworth, from Batavia ; and Lord W. Bend rick, Cragic, from China and Halifax. At Madeira, Aug. 18th, Lady Flora, Fayrer, from London, for Bengal ; 26th, Gilmore, Geary ; and 28th, Wanstead, Friend, front London, for Swan River; 28th, Consbrook, Strachan, from Liverpool, for Bombay.

Sailed.-From Gravesend, Sept. 12th, Boyne, Warren, for Bombay ; and John, Davey, for the Cape ; 130, Resolution, Webb, for St. Helena ; 16th, Eagle, Sprott, for Swan Bayer; 17th, Frances Watson, Bragg, for Bombay.

Spoken.-Eliza, Sutton, from London to Bengal, 7th Aug. 15 north, 26 west. Claudine, from London to New Uutalt Walest5th Sept,. a north, l' wed. St.ecorgei froin pool to Bengal, 4th Aug. 2 south, 17 west. Jessie, from London to the Cape, 3d Aue4 south, 18 west. Lucy Davidson, from London to New South Wales, 3d Aug. 18 noit'h 26 west. Orynthia, from Loudon to Batavia, 25th July, 6 north, 12 west. Victory, frorn London to Bengal, 28th July, 5 north, 12 west. Skerne, from Liverpool to New South Wales,19th Aug. 13 north, 25 west. Mount Stuart, Elphinstone, from London to Bom- bay, 15th Aug. 8 north, 23 west.


Arrived. In the Downs, Sept. 18, James Sibbald, Cole, from Mauritius ; and Royal Charlotte, Dudman, from Singapore. At St. Helena, July 30, James Grant, Inglis, front Mauritius. 31st, Lady East, Evans, from Bombay. Aug. 1st, Coromandel, Buyes, from Bengal, 29th March, and from Madras, 3d May. At Singapore, Baltic, Duncan, from Hamburgh. The Coromandel has on board the ashen baling quantity of 2000 chests of Indigo. The Amity Transport, which arrived at Portsutouth yesterday, spoke a ittr•slau frigate off Portland, beating down Channel, and saw two other men of war, supposed also to be Russians.