19 SEPTEMBER 1829, page 2

The Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING, ELEVEN O'CLOCK.—The business of this week in our Stock Market has been still less than that of last week, and nothing whatever has occurred......

Close Of The Court-martial At Politsmoutel—we Have...

written defence of Captain Dickinson. The examination of witnesses was gone into on Saturday and Tuesday—on Monday Captain Dickinson was indisposed, and the Court immediately......

A Radical Reform Meeting Took Place At Oldham On Monday.

Some of the speeches were extremely violent ; so much so, that we believe even the boldest of the London journals scrupled to give them publicity. The speakers were all of the......

The Resolutions Passed By The Irish Gentlemen At Thurles,...

standing the display . of numbers, are to be received cum gran, as are all statements of Irish gentlemen respecting their dear land. It is not supposed that Government will act......

The King.—we Stated Yesterday That A Severe Calamity Had...

to a very Illustrious Personage, in the loss of the sight of an eye, under circumstances similar to those which attended the partial loss of sight to the Princess Sophia. We are......