19 SEPTEMBER 1829, Page 14


WAR-weer C E, Sept.14.-1st Drag. Gds.: G.D. Scott, Gent. to be Cor. by purchase, vice Locke, who retires-11th Lt. Drag.: Cor. L. H. French, to be Lieut. by pur.viceJohnson, promoted-Gth Foot : Capt. Hon. J. F.. K. Ersdine, front half-pay, to be Capt. vice T. Duke, who exchanges-Sth Foot : Assist: Sur. J. K. Adams, from Seth Foot, to be Assist.- Sur. vice J. Ferguson, who retires upon half-pay Seth Foot-17th Foot: Lieut. A. Mur- ray, from 59th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Rawson, appointed to 87th Font-20th Foot : Ens. F. lt. Fraser, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bayly, who retires ; W. Welch, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Fraser-25th Foot : J. A. Gtlille, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Curling, promoted in 30th Foot-29th Foot : Lieut. It. P. Douglas, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gray, who retires ; Ens. W. W. Drake, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Douglas ; H. M. Tumor, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Drake-30th Foot: to be Licuts. by purchase-Ens. H. Curling, from the 25th Foot, vice Andrews, promoted ; Sec. Lieut. J. Lindsay, vice Thompson, who retires-34tb Foot : Lieut. F. S. Bayly, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Norton, who retires ; 1111s. W. Colt, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bayly ; It. W. Byron, Gent. to he Ens. by purchase, vice Colt--36th Foot : Lieut.

F. Robertson, from half-pay 79th Foot, to be Lieut. vice G. huddle, who exchanges-43d Foot : Ens. J. Haverfield, to be Limit. without purchase, vice Gardiner, who retires ;

G. Fits-Roy, Gent. to be F.ns. by purchase,. vice Haverfield-53d Foot : to be Limas. by purchase-Eris. S. R. Delo% vice Heneage, promoted ; Ens. E. Bond, vice E. Delm6, who retires : to be Ens. by purchase-D. It. Jones, Gent. vice Bond-57th Foot : Lieut. T. Story, from 87th Foot, to be Lieut. vice J. W. Taylor, who retires upon half-pay 59th Foot-87th Foot : Lieut. W. S. Rawson, from 17th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Story, ap- pointed to the 57th FoOt ; Lord J. Chichester, to be Sec. Lett. by purchase, vice Blake, promoted-SSth Foot : Brevet Major W. 0. Gore, from half-pay 86th Foot, to be Capt. vice W. S. H. Fitz-Roy, who exchanges-91st Foot : to be Lieuts.-Ens. F. Lloyd, with- out purchase, vice W. Calder, deceased ; Ens. J. F. G. Campbell, by purchase, vice Carlisle, who retires : to be Ensigns-W. Anderson, Gent. by purchase, vice Campbell; F. W.B. APLeod, Gent. without purchase, vice Lloyd-99th Foot : Capt. G. M. Reeves, from half-pay, to be Capt. vice Cortield, who retires-Unattached: to be Cants. of In- fantry by purchase-Lieut. lt. A. Andrews, from 30th Foot ; Lieut. C. T. Heneage, from 533 Foot-Commissariat : It. Aekroyd, from Commissariat Clerk, to be Deputy Assist.- Commissary-General-Memoranda : Capt. G. Phelan, half-pay 79th Foot, has been allowed to retire from the service by the sale of his commission-Staff-Assist.-Sur. G. Bushe, M.D. has been allowed to resign his commission.