19 SEPTEMBER 1829, Page 14


Preferments.-The Rev. R. Heptinstall, B.A. of Exeter College, has been licensed by the Lord Bishop of Chester to the perpetual Coracies of Capestborne and siddington, vacant by the resignation of the Rev. W. Davenport, Bromley; patron, D. Davenport, Esq. M.P.-On Monday the Rev. W. Nettleship, B.A. was licensed by the Lord Bishop of Worcester to the Lectureship founded in the parish church of St. Andrew, Bruit- wich, void by the resignation of the Rev. G. Durant, M.A. on the nomination of the said G. Durant, and of Mr. li. WilsOn, of Satlwarpa-The Bishop of Lichfield and Co- ventry has appointed the Rev. W. Marsh, Rector of St. Peter's, Colchester, to be Minis- ter of St. Thomas's church, at Holloway Head, Birmingham. The Rector of St. Mar- tin's, in whose gift it was, relinquished it into the hands of his lordship.-The Rev. C. Dorton, to the Vicarage of Wiekhambrook, Suffolk, void by the death of the Rev. T. Seabrook ; patron, the Kings--The Rev. J. D. Hustler, B.D. late Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, has been presented to the Rectory of Euston, Suffolk, vacant by the death of the Rev. G. Tavel ; patron, his Grace the Duke of Grafton- The Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry has appointed the Rev. W. Marsh, Rector of St. Peter's, Colchester, to be Minister of St. Thomas's Church at Holloway Head, Birming- ham. The Rector of St. Martin's, in whose gift it was, relinquished it into the bands of his lordship-The Rev. W. Boycott, jun. M.A. has been instituted to the Rectory of Whcatacre Burgh St. Peter, Norfolk, on his own petition.