19 SEPTEMBER 1868, Page 1

Mr. Disraeli has gone to Balmoral,—perhaps to " educate "

his Queen for the coming campaign. He has as yet issued no address to the electors of Buckingliattu3hire, which is a disappointment both to his supporters and his opponents. The former wish for a sign, and the latter for a new vulnerable point. But either Mr. Disraeli still hesitates to give the final battle-cry, or perhaps he wishes to date his general order from the Castle of Balmoral. If lie waits till next week he might date his manifesto, "Balmoral—Feast of St. Cyprian," but "Maundy Thursday" has, perhaps, been quite enough concession to the ,High Church. Probably a para- graph in the address pointing out to the electors that the Protes- tant Establishment in Ireland is needed to set properly before the Irish nation "the blessings of the Sabbath" would trim the balance better.