The News From Paraguay,—received, Of Course, Through Bra-...
unfavourable for Lopez. After the evacuation of Ilumaita, which the Brazilians were destroying, a force of Paraguayans under General Martinez, who had retreated to the peninsula......
We Are Happy To Find That A Sound Liberal Candidate
has been started for West Surrey,—in opposition to Messrs. Cubitt and Bris- coe,—Mr. Pennington, who has pledged himself to support Mr. Gladstone. We understand that his friends......
The Ritualists Are Evidently Getting A Little Cracked. At...
and at Haydock in Lancashire, they are going in for the most tremendous ceremonial on the most extraordinary occasions. At All Saints', Lambeth (Mr. Lee's), on the eve of the......
Shere Ali Definitively Occupied Cahill With 5,000 Men And...
ascended the throne" on the 14th of August.......
Mr. Roebuck, Not, Perhaps, Very Well Satisfied With His...
achievements at the Sheffield banquet to Mr. Reverdy Johnson, has published a lengthy address to his constituents, in which he expresses his hope that as he has grown older he......
The Action Of The Russians Will Not Fail To Add
to the excitement. So much at least is evident in this week's intelligence from St. Petersburg. The Russian Government will not ratify the treaty of General Kaufmanu with......
The State Elections In Vermont And Maine, The Meaning Of
which we have discussed carefully elsewhere, promise very ill for the high-raised hopes of the Democratic party. In Vermont the Republican majority (over 30,000) is greater than......
The Disturbances On The North-west Frontier Of India Turn...
to be much more serious than appeared from the telegram on which we commented last week. The immediate scene of hostili- ties is the Agror valley, in the Huzara district,......
Sir Stafford Northcote Has Had Rather A Hard Time Of
it in North Devon,—probably not the lees hard because he is decidedly the most reasonable member of the Administration, and the most respectful in treating his opponents. He......