Rather more steadiness has prevailed in most departments of the
Stock Exchange, and with but few exceptions the move- ments in prices have been favourable. The Gomel Market has ruled firmer, although the trausactious have been by no means extensive, and an advance of has been established. Yesterday, Consols, both for money and time, closed at 94 to 94. Reduced and New Three per Cents. marked 924 i; Indian Five per Cents., 114i ; do., Bonds, 21s. prem.; and Exchequer Bills, lem. to 20s. prem. In Foreign Bonds a fair business has been passing. In the early part of the week Peruvian Stock, owing to the news of the disastrous earthquake, declined but the decline has partly recovered. In the Railway Share Market the principal feature has been a decline of fully 4/. in Caledonian Stock, on the announcement that the dividend for the past half-year would be at the rate of only Li per cent. North-British Stock has declined 31., owing the unfavourable state of affairs. The demand for money continues only moderate at 15 f per cent, for the best commercial bills. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 20,775,9921., in the Bank of France, 51,948,000/.