The Marquis of Bute, who attained his majority this day
week, .after a very long minority, is said to be the owner of 300,000/. a year ; and certainly the festival was celebrated as if it were the birthday rather of the eight millions sterling or so which that magnificent income represents, than of a mere marquis. The birthday itself was spent in Scotland, but the Marquis has great -estates in Wales, and it was at Cardiff, or perhaps rather in the British Channel, on Wednesday, that the greatest -display was made. The Marquis crossed in his own yacht from Portishead to Cardiff, but was accompanied by forty steamers, -with banners flying and pilot boats attached. In Cardiff he was -of course grandly feted by the Corporation, and he said in reply that he quite appreciated the responsibilities of his position, and -that he was "determined to devote his life to the development of those facilities which had been vouchsafed to him for making people happier, better, purer, and more prosperous than they -were." If he keeps to his determination, what a benefactor he has it in his power to be !