Yesterday and on Friday week the loading Foreign Bonds
left off at
the annexed quotations :—
Sept. 11. Sept. 18.
Se )1 11 Sept. 18, Brazilian, 1865 761 761x. 0. Russian (Anglo-Dutch)
921 14i
Egyptian, 1864 87/ 871 Spanish, 1667 34 331 Italian 611 63 Turkish, 18:',8 415 66ex. tI.
Mexican 151 141 , 1862 661
67 Yesterday and on Friday week the loading British Railway Shares left off at the annexed quotations :—
iSepd4i . Great Eastern
Great Northern I 106}
Great Western 1 Cl)
1 Lancashire & Yorkshire, 126/ London & Brighton I 521.
Lon. & North-Western 1131 Lon. & South-Western' 871
Sept. 18.
39 tos
491x. I. 1211 62f 1121 88
Lon., ehatham,& Dover
Metropolitan Midland Nrth-Eantern, Berwick
Do. York._
Sept. 1L
1t 1061 1081 881 871 741
Sept. 1 8. IN 10s1 Ile
1/91 811