19 SEPTEMBER 1891, Page 2

The Reports of the Sub-Committee in Ottawa which has been

investigating the conduct of Sir Hector Langevin and the Hon. Thomas McGreevy, were presented to the main Committee on Tuesday. The majority report, signed by the Conservative and Government members, exonerates Sir Hector Langevin from the charge of corruption,—the charge that he received $10,000 from the man Murphy being held not to have been proved. It is admitted, however, that Messrs. Larkin, Connolly, and Co. contributed $10,000 to the Langevin testimonial fund ; but the majority think that Sir Hector was not influenced by this. The above-mentioned firm, they further report, "conspired to defraud the Government, and were materially aided in their plans by Thomas McGreevy." They recommend that McGreevy and certain officials of the Public Works Department should be prosecuted.