19 SEPTEMBER 1891, page 16

The Dwarfs Of The Atlas.

[To ram EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Following up your suggestion, in your article on "The Dwarfs of the Atlas," that the "little people "owe their sacred character in......

Women And The Agnostic Regime.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR'] SIR,—Part of your article under the above heading will cause intense pain to a very large number of Christian women. Is it from ignorance, or......

The Growth Of Confidence In Navies. [to The Editor Of

TEE spEcTAToa. - 1 SIN,—In an article on naval power in the Spectator of the 12th inst., occurs the following passage : "The bombardment of Alexandria dissipated the......

The Lincoln Judgment.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] lately addressed to you a letter on points connected with the recent Lambeth Judgment, which letter appeared in the Spectator of August 8th.......

Science And Scripture.

[To THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." 1 SIR,—Your correspondent, Professor Reichel, writes that " the only formal official notice the Papacy has ever taken" of the heliocentric......

Adelaide Capece Minutolo.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 STE, —I cannot express my surprise at reading a notice in the Spectator of September 5th, upon Mrs. Augustus Craven's "Adelaide Capece......