19 SEPTEMBER 1891, Page 25

Akbar. By Colonel G. B. Italleson, C.S.I. (Clarendon Press.) —This

is one of the series of "Rulers of India." It was a happy -thought to include the great Mahommedan conqueror among the great soldiers and statesmen of India. Akbar was distinguished in both characters ; and he had a third, which may be said to be peculiar to himself, at least in this connection. He was an original religious thinker and reformer. Colonel Malleson has made, as might be expected, a highly interesting book out of this subject. It has more than a historical interest. Akbar attempted a system of government one main principle of which was toleration. But it does not follow from this that Islam and toleration are really compatible, for the great founder of the Mogul dynasty was anything but a typical Mahommedan. Altogether, this is a book which will well repay careful study.