On the 2981u%, in Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, this Lady of Lient..Col. Sir Joust M. BC1100YNE, Bart., Grenadier Guards, of a daughter. On the 21st ult., at llonfleur. the Lady ofUittitain HENRY ANDREWS DRUMMOND, Oi Cain sons, who survived Ind a short Cane.
On the 15th t,ht , Mrs. DANBUZ, of Otlington Douse, Sussex, of a son. On the 2Gth tilt., in Berkeley Square. the Lady of P. THORNI111.1, junior, Esq., of a son. On the :i0th ult., in Wilton Crescent, the Lady CHARLOTTE EGERTON, of a daughter.
On the 2qtlt Mt., at St. James's (lunch, EDWARD STRL'TT, EST, M.P., to Esittr, youngest daughter of the Right Rev. W. Otter, DP., Bishop of Chichester. On the 291h ult., at St. Fancies Church, Frtaxcis, sou of Sir F.M.Omtnannev, to .1 MIA Ilstottarra, daughter of Thomas Metcalfe, Esq., of Fitzroy Square and Lin. coin's Intl. On the 28th ult., at Richmond, Joust GEORGE MUSTERS, Esq., eldest son of John Clitiworth Musters. Esq . of Coln ick. Nottinghionshire. to Bums., youngest daughter of the late Philip Ilaniond, Esq., of Wi.Siacro, Norfolk. Ott the 28th lilts at Creswell Ilan, staffootshire, Joan A YSFIFORD WISE. EMI.. eldest son of A slintril Wise. Fsq , of Ford Ilmew, Devonshire, 10 MARY LovaTr. only daugle ter and heiress of the lat e It it, Booth, Esq., of Clayton Hall, Staffordshire. On the 2-alt ult.. at Trinit y Clench, MiltVlebettO, JOHN COLLYER, ES11, Of 1.111C0111'S Inn. Barrister al-Law. to Gronot s NA FRANCES Amy, eldest daughter of Sir William Johnston, Bart., of Wilms it, Aberdeenshire. On the 28th Wt., the Rev. Wr.t.ris II sttRtSON, M.A., to JULIA JANETTA, eldest daughter oilhe Rev. Joseph ltracketilany, On the 27t1t ult.. at Cattibrid,at, WILLIAM JOSEPH BAYNE, M.D , or Bury St. Edmund's, late Fellow of Trinitv Coll to ALICIA DELA, the only daughter of G. Pry nut.. Esq., M.P., Professor of 11;alit ical Economy in that Universit y. On the 'Nth tilt., at Berlin, at the te-idence of the lb itish Ambas•ador, Jour; Armin, Esq., of Liverpool, to At DONt FR a NCESCA, eldest daughter or the iat.. Gen. Roillich. On the 2:21 titt , the Rev. CII A LES CHEN or Lincoln College. Oxfottl, and of Chlist's I lo,pit al, Loudon, to SARAH i5 sxv, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Hartwell HOUR% 11.1)., [lector of St. Edmund the King and Martyr and St. Nicholas Acous, Lombard Street. On the 24th i ult., in Great King Street, Edinburgh, Captain DUNDAS. COldatITIHR GilaNIS, eldest son of t tiluttuimI Deans Dundas, M.P., of Barton Court, Berke,
Esq., Sheriff of Ross and Cromurty.
to J•N ET LINDSAY, (1111Ighter of John Jardine,
On the 27th ult , in Lower Grosvenor Street. the Marquis of BATH, in his 73d year. On the 2011 ult., at Portland Place, C. DA IMES JAMES V YNER, Esq. On 1114. 25(11 ttim., in litaltoril Square, Sir JAM r.s Mammon!, late one of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas. in his 57th year. On the 15th nit., at Dresden, Major t;enertti Sir Jonsr Mona!, K.C.11. and C.D. On the 12th ult., at Newport. Isle of Wight, Sir Itictiano liasserr, Banker, in his 89th year. On the 27th ult., at her house, Old Steyne, Brighton, Mrs. F/TZHERBERT. On the 2Stli ult., at Ids residence in Berkeley Street, Manchester Square. Uwirror Gut. Varott A N, EMI , of J °Mauston, Peinbrokesh ire. On the 2Gth ult.. after a few hours' illness, JANE SOPHIA, Wife of St. John C. Char]. ton. Esq., of The Vineyard, Shropshire. On the 24th ult., Senna, Wife of Mr. G. K. Smith, of the Grove, 11 igligate. in her 29tb year. On the 15th ult., at Blackheath, Kent. Captain GEORGE E SI ',wren, late of the Roy al Marines, in his 78th year. On the 24th ult.. at his house, Broad Green Lodge, Croydon, WILLIAM DYER THOMAS, Esq, MD.. Deptity-Inslicclor General of hospitals, and late Surgeon to the 761 Hussars, in his 60th year. At Daylesfonl !louse, Worcestershire. holier 91st year. Mrs. HASTINGS, Relict of the late Right lion, Warren Hastings, tiovernortieueral of Bengal. On the 29th ult.. Mr. CHARLES NICHOLSON, the eminent Ilute-player, in his 424 year