1 APRIL 1837, page 14

Lower Canada And The Colonial Office.

THE apology of the Colonial Office for the intended violation of the constitution of Lower Canada is, that the King gave up cer- tain hereditary revenues of the Crown, in the......

Qualification For A Bishopric.

THE Times assures its readers that it was formerly the practice both of Whig and Tory Bishop-makers to select clergymen who were distinguished not only by " li,tr,ily rank, and......

The Poor-law And The Corn - Law.

THE evidence which accompanies the First Report of the Poor - , law Committee, appears to estal&sh the following facts, in refe- rence to West Sussex; and beyond that part of......

Plunder Of Tiie Church.

MR. DUNCOMBE, we hope, will persevere in his motion for "copies of all the Parliamentary Surveys of Church-lands, made in 1646, and deposited by Parliament in the library of......