1 APRIL 1837, Page 10

The Queen of Belgium bad another son, on the 24th

of March.

The Pembroke, a British seventy-four, narrowly escaped shipwreck in a storm off Gibraltar, on the 9th of March : she was dragged off shore against the wind, by Le Minos, a French steam.vessel. The Courier says, in reference to this affair- " We have heard that at the time the Minos was thus earning laurels for the French Navy, the Bay of Gibraltar was not destitute of English steam-vessels; and perhaps the owners and Captain of at least one of them, will think it due to the public to state why he could not, or would not, do that service for one of his Majesty's ships, which the Captain of the French steam-vessel so gallantly performed. We are reluctant to mention the name of the English vessel, which has been handed to us, the conduct of which contrasts so disadvan- tageously with that of the 3Iinos."