The progress of disorder in Ireland is steady mad rapid.
The leaders now avow the intention -to rise egairdit-the Government; and if accounts which look very specific and proliable are to be trusted, large numbers are diligently- arming, to be prepared for the word of command from them leaders, Up to this point the extent of the proposed rebellion does not appear to be very great. Indeed, without a s -;ce of madness in the leaders, it is not likely thaf-tm.a. ctitia would take place at all ; for tho o.-iv party on whicka, ey can count wits any certainty i. theYoung.k dont
Itiction...?The leap body of Gld Repeatela are in a state de-
fies any.estimat. if the eulaingent which they ad,. affer t..the
rebel forces. The O'Connell section seems strongly disposed to keep on the safe side. The disposition of the priests is doubtful, and with respect to them we hear the most cdrifficting reports from quarters equally well informed ; a case probably of the gold- and-silver shield, both opinions being right, but partial. Some distinguished members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy have subscribed to the declaration in support of the Lord-Lieutenant.- The bulk of the gentry may be reckoned on the same side; also the numerous, efficient, and warlike body of Orangemen. The rebellion, therefore, will be very sectional, and easily suppressed, —at a considerable price, indeed, in blood and money. We have assumed that the rebellion is to take place, since nothing appears to the contrary. Government may have mea- sures in petto, but there is no outward sign beyond the col- lection of soldiery ; which may be used to suppress the rebellion when it breaks out, but not to prevent it beforehand. In the case of Ireland there is some danger in this reserve; since Govern- ment not only run the risk of losing the support which obvious energy and promptitude win from the numerous class of waverers, but may even alienate more sincere supporters ; while any hesita- tion in the administrators of the proper functions of government cannot but encourage the lawless.