The Provisional Government Of Paris Has Registered The...
its mob ; and the election of the National Assembly is post- poned for - a fortnight. A wider margin is also given for the elec- tion of officers io the National Guard. M. Louis......
News Of The Week.
THE Austrians are expelled from Milan, and probably by this time from Lombardy and Venice. Certainly, unless some great reaction take place, their power in Italy is at an end.......
Parliament Seems Determined That Government Shall Gain...
sessions, and is busied at no other wurk , but that of reducing the four months before Easter to an equiva- lent of the usual two. The business of the week is scanty and......
The Progress Of Disorder In Ireland Is Steady Mad Rapid.
The leaders now avow the intention - to rise egairdit - the Government; and if accounts which look very specific and proliable are to be trusted, large numbers are diligently-......
Germany Is Heaving In Ei „art Wits Politic-1 Princes And
people are equally stirred. The Dune of Br:nisei-irk has given his adhesion to the lead assumed by the King of Prus- sia. The old King of Bavaria has shuffled off his troubles......