The Prince of Prussia, brother of the King, and heir apparent to the crown, arrived in London on Monday morning, via Hamburg, and alighted at the hotel of the Prussian Legation at Carlton Terrace. His Royal Highness arrived here with a confidential mission from his royal brother to her Majesty the Queen. We are happy to be authorized to state that his Royal Highness was not, as some accounts had intimated, in any way connected with the fatal misunderstanding which caused the conflict between the Guards and the people of Berlin on the afternoon of Saturday the 18th. In consequence of the regulations made by the late King in 1838, providing against occurrences of such nature, his Royal High- ness had on that occasion no commands to give to the troops, and gave none.— Times.
The Prince of Prussia had an interview with Prince Albert on the day of his arrival; and received visits from Prince Albert and the Duke of Cambridge, at the hotel of the Legation.
According to the Brussels Independance, the King of Hanover is so ill that his recovery is thought to be hopeless.
The House of Commons sat but a very short time on Thursday night, in con- sideration to the Speaker, who was suffering under a very severe cold.
Sir William Gossett, the Sergeant-at-Anna to the House of Commons, died on Monday, at his seat, Charlton Grove, near Woolwich. Sir William bad served in many capacities of diplomatic, military, and civil distinction. He entered the Army very early in life- and was made a Commander of the Bath for services at Algiers, under Lord Exmouth, in 1817. He then passed through various civil offices: in 1835 he was Under-Secretary for Ireland. At his death be was a Ii C.EL, and had attained the rank of Major-General in the Army. Sir David Dundee has resigned the office of Solicitor-General, and received the appointment of principal Clerk to the House of Lords. He has also resigned his seat for Sntherlandshire.
The vacant Solicitor-Generalship has been given to Mr. John Romilly, M.P. for Devonport. Mr. Romilly is said, to be secure of reelection for Devonport.
It appears that the convenience- althuted hythe Post-Office in the plan.for the transmission of printed books,,&a, which came into operation on the 21st ultimo, is in a vast number of instances counteracted by the inattention of the public to the rules laid down. The principal of these were, that each packet must con- tain one volume or pamphlet only; that it must not exceed two feet in length; that the cover must be left open at each end; that the postage must be prepaid by stamps; and, lastly, that it must contain no writing or marks, except the ad- dress.—Times.
Upon the recommendation, it is generally believed, of Mr. Rowland Hill, a new office has been created, denominated "Inspector-General of the Post-office "; and Mr. John Ramsey, a senior clerk in the Secretary's department, has been selected for the important post. His duties will be to exercise a vigilant supervision over all the subordinate employds, and to conduct investigations under special orders from the Postmaster-General. A circular to that effect has been addressed by Colonel Maberly to all postmasters and others.—Globe.
Lady Franklin has offered a reward of 1,0001. to any whaling-ship which shall discover and afford assistance to the expedition under her husband Sir John, and 1,0001. to any ship which shall make extra exertions for the same objects. Ad- miral Beaufort, Captain Sir W. E. Parry, and Mr. Ward, are to be the referees.
A letter from Vienna mentions that Rbeinvaig, the villa of Prince Metternich, near that city, had been saved from the flames by the Poles who had joined the people in their revolt.
About 100,000 rounds of ammunition are estimated to have been fired during the fifteen hours' conflict in Berlin; and the ceasing of the affray is very ranch attributed to the capture of General Mollendorf, on whose person were found let- ters to the King and his soldiers of a favourable description.
The disproportionate slaughter of the troops by the citizens in the fight of the 18th at Berlin is attributed to the rare skill of the Neufchatel rifle students. The Times correspondent says— "Numerous instances are related of personal prowess in this respect: one would choose the eyes, another the third button of the coat for bringing down his man; and the result was in every case fatally. precise. At the old Town-hall, where the struggle was terrific, one man is said to have killed seventeen."
"Some idea may be formed of the desperate character of the conflict, when you hear that the women made their flat irons red hot to throw among the soldiers; that every possible missile was hurled from the tops of the houses, and that boil- ing water was copiously supplied for that purpose. In one instance, in a street through which it was supposed the troops would pass, the owner of the house had prepared a quantity of vitriol."
The number of perscns carried to the hospitals of Paris in a wounded state, during the three days of February, amounted to 703; of whom, by the last returns, 150 have since died.
The Lyons Commissary has decreed that none, not even foreigners, may leave Lyons with more than 500 francs cash in his possession. Even tra- vellers passing through the town are subjected to this rule.
Several Irish workmen expelled from France have arrived at Dublin; alined simultaneously with the arrival of the Young Ireland blarney deputation in Paris!
It is stated by Galignani that the Paris authorities are actively investigating the Libri affair. Upwards of 30,000 volumes have been seized at various rooms in Paris used by M. Libri as book depositaries. The same paper has the following as an occurrence at a late meeting of the Academy of Sciences. One of the members took a sheet of paper on which he wrote—" We have reason to be astonished that M. Libri should , have bad the boldness to come and take a seat in an assembly of honourable men." The papdr E. then circulated from hand to hand, and at length reached M. Libri, bearing4e signature of every one present Libri immediately rose and made his ramp: M. Libri, who is now in London, has sent a letter to the Morning CAraiefe, demanding a suspension of public opinion on his case. He states that the charge against him was based only on anonymous letters; and that M. Boucly pur- posely concealed its nature, while M. Libri remained on the spot and was able to refute it. He endeavours to explain away the only three charges which lie con- siders specific; and is preparing what he believes will be a triumphant answer to M. Boucly's whole report.
The National states that the physicians of Naples have declared that Mehemet Ali, who is at present in that city, is so dangerously indisposed that be cannot survive longer than a month or six weeks.
The appearance of the Rothschilds in the American loan-market has created an excitement among the capitalists of the States. Messrs. Rothschild took nearly four out of the five millions of dollars of the loan lately called fur by the Arne - rican Executive.
Prince Christophe' who long reigned at Hayti, and has been for some months imprisoned for debt, has just been set at liberty by the charitable zeal of M. Pole, director of the prison; who succeeded in raising a subscription of 1,000f. for paying his creditors and defraying his passage to England.—Ifonfterar Beige, March 27.
A Piedmontese Jew, says a letter from Rome, has left by will a sum of three million francs to the Pope.
An old mendicant recently died at Blandford, in a lodging begged from the relieving officer: on his person was found a book proving that he had no less than 8651. in a savings-bank.
On the 31st March 1847, there were 4907 depositors in the military savings- bank; who had standing to their credit the sum of 54,9891.
The Chinese junk, the Keying, arrived at Gravesend on Monday; but as there was some sickness on board, it was not allowed to proceed up the Thames, but was sent farther down to perform quarantine for a time. The ultimate fate of the Waratab, the ship which was encountered by the Norwegian bark in a desperate condition on the 24th March, has been ascertained this week. The wreck was driven about for five days after the Norwegian was compelled to leave her, and eventually went ashore on the island of Moline, twenty miles from Brent. In a few hours she was dashed to pieces. Eight only of the crew reached the land, which they gained by swimming, Ship and cargo are said to have been insured for 25,0001. The Waratah was bound for Sydney. The Norwegian only saved two cabin-passengers.
The packet West Point, while on her passage from Liverpool to New York, on the 12th of February, was struck by lightning seven times within an hour; the electric fluid passing down the main-mast. The people felt the shocks severely, and by one of them two seamen were struck dead.
Hogan, a blacksmith of Ennis, has killed his son, by running a red hot iron spike into the lad's head, during a fit ofanger caused by the son's disobedience.
Another man has died from a wound received during the riots at Glasgow; one Aitken, a baker, who was shot in the hip at Bridgeton.
Dr. Anderson, of Birkenhead, who was in delicate health, had a tootle extracted while under the influence of chloroform; and within forty-eight hours is fatal rush of blood to the lungs took place.
We lately noticed Mr. Leitch's translation of Mfiller's Manual of Ancient Art as a valuable contribution to the literature of the class: the whole stock of the work has been destreyed, in the warehouse of Messrs. Fullerton and Co. at Edinburgh. This is one of the most vexations among the many similar losses of whole printed weeks by burning. Students of art, the architect no less than the sculptor and painter, will lose a true manpal—one calculated to direct aud abridge their hiboura —unless the work be reprinted.
Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis fur the
week ending on Saturday last— Number of Mister dentin. arenas.
Tubercular Diseases. Zymotic Diseases Dropsy, Cancer, and other elseases of uncertain or variable seat 1113 195
eau hat 53 as
117 138 Diseases, of the struts, spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses . 37 39 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 186 225 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration— 66 611 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 9 9 Diseases of the Kidneys, St 13 13 Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, Sc. 8 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, Sc
Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, (6.c 6 3 Malformations at 23 Premature Birth 27 15 Atrophy ta 79 Age lo 16
Sudden 31 31
Violence, Privation, Coal, and Intemperance
Total (including unspecified causes) 1099 1107
The temperature of the thermometer ran from 67.0° in the sun, to 24.50 in
the shade; the mean temperature by day eing warmer than the mean average temperature by 2.5°. The direction of the wind for the week was variable.