The rumour of an expedition from the Havannah against Mexico
is reiterated in private accounts, dated 2d July; which fix the sailing of five thousand men under General Barradas for the 8th or 10th of this month. It is stated at the same time, that the Mexican Government were perfectly aware of all the movements of their enemies ; and Santa Anna (the Napoleon of Mexico, as his soldiers style him) is prepared at the head of eight thousand troops to give the Spaniards a warm welcome. We can anticipate but one result, if the power of the Mexicans be as formidable as it is represented. We hope, under any circumstances, that the factions will see the necessity and policy of dropping their private quarrels in the presence of those who are equally hostile to all of them. The last accounts from Buenos Ayres describe the city as perfectly tranquil. Lavalle had confirmed as ministers all those who had served with his coadjutor Rivadavia. The report of a counter revolution is discredited : it was grounded only on one letter, coupled with Rivadavia's flight to Europe.
The Honduras Gazette contains a laboured account of the surrender of Guatemala to the San Salvadoreans, under General Morazan. The names are new to us. No doubt Morazan is a great man, seeing that he is a conqueror.