To Tile Editor Of Tiie Spectator.
SIR,—Haviug observed in your valuable paper of yesterday, two errors of facts in the review of Devereux, you will perhaps patdon me for pointing them out to you. The first is,......
Monopolies—the Bar.
()see upon a time, says a fable, an ass had been so long accustomed to his falters, hat he considered theta a part of himself. The heavier he was laden, the better (le was......
The Author Of Pelham—mistanes Corrected.
TO TUE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR. SIR,—Ill your review of Devereux, you have attributed to me, the Autumn in Greece. That work was written by my brother, Mr. HENRY RTAAVER j and......
Ornaments Of The Law.
TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Stu,—In your last Number there were some clever observations on the "Vex- ations Regulations at the Inner Temple," and a quotation comprising an......
Pitcairn's Scotch Criminal Trials—witchcraft.*
THE object of Mr. PITCAIRN'S work is expressed in his preface—to put beyond the chance of destruction the valuable materials contained ni the Books of Adjournal of the......
A NEW ORATORIO, DT NEURONINI.—The most interesting circumstance attend- ing his visit (M. Neukomm's late visit to Edinburgh), was his allowing some of his friends to see the MS.......