1 AUGUST 1829, Page 13


SIR,—Haviug observed in your valuable paper of yesterday, two errors of facts in the review of Devereux, you will perhaps patdon me for pointing them out to you.

The first is, your attributing a work entitled An Autumn in Greece to the author of Devereux ; which is in fact the production of his brother, Mr. HENRY 1.11TON BULW ER.

The second error—and one equally great—is your supposition " that the pos- session of the talents he displays, was not even suspected by his most intimate friends." So far from this being the case, every work that he has hitherto written (Immeasurably superior as they are to Ines: works of a similar class) has, from the knowledge his friends have of his great talents and extraordinary powers, fallen far short of what they have expected front him, and of what even those who are slightly acquainted with him still hope to see bins produce.

I arn, Sir, yours, with much esteem,