Tuesday, July 28. PARTNERSHIPS DISSoLvED.-Johnson and Litchfield, Old Stratford-wharf, North- atnptonshire-Green and Cox, Mangotsfield, Gloucestershire, anti J. It. Smith, Stockport and Manchester, muslin-manufacturers-Hudson and J. and T. Travis, Manchester, drysalters ; as far as regards T. Travis--Hicko and Co. Alderman- bury, woollen-manufacturers-J. Pothecary and J. Lemon, Bermondsbury-street, wed- staplers-Gibson and Co. New York and Liverpool-Haviside and Harvick, Bucklers- bury, merchants-Shelmerdine and Hughes, Warrington, maltsters-Sir C. and S. Scott, R. Parrott, and J. V. Dent, Cavendish-square, bankers; as far as regards J. V. Dent Coleman and Butcher, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, chemists-G. and W. Booth, Hanley, Staffordshire, cobalt and zaffre-refiners-Beaver and Robinson, Manchester, com mission- agents-C., J., and W. Payant, Manchester and Lisbon, merchants-Okell and Co. Knights Grange Salt-works, Cheshire, salt.proprietors.
INsOLVENTS.-July 27, I. HADWEN, J. SANDEMAN, and J. L. COWELL, Gibraltar and Liverpool, merchants-S. DE BEAUREPAIRE, Woburn-place, Russell-square, boarding- house- keeper.
BANKRUPTCIES EN/ARA:F.D.-It. MOTT, Newington-causeway, tailor, from Aug.18 to Aug. 28-J. ANDERSON, West Smithfield, bookseller, from Aug. 18 to Aug. 28-J. SI- MONDS, Wangford, Suffolk, innholder, from Aug. 7 to Aug. 20. BA.NKRUPTCX SUPERSEDED..--C. and T. RENsumir, Nottingham, hosiers. BAngluirrs.—(To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Ba4nghall-street.1—W. Bo t- LA.ati, Maidstone, chemist, Aug. 4, 7, Sept. 8: solicitors, Carter and Gregory, Lord Mayor's Court-otfice, Royal Exchange—J. HUNTER, jun. Barge-yard, Bucklersbury, merchant, July 31, Aug. 4, Sept. 8 : solicitors, Oliverson and Co. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry—A. B s LOE, Norwich, silk-manufacturer, July 31, Aug. 7, Sept. 8 : solicitor, Mr. Fieher, Walbrook-buildings—W. J. BANTOCE, Doddington-grove, Surrey, timber-mer chant, July 31, Aug. 7, Sept. 8 : solicitor, Mr. Brown, Crescent, Jewiu-street—J. NI- caoLLs, St. Alban's, cabinet-maker, Aug. 4, 11, Sept. 8 : solicitors, Alexander and Son, Carey-street—C. A. MADDEN, High-street, Southwark, eating-house-keeper, July 31, Aug. 4, Sept. S: solicitor, 3:r. Pasmnre, Basinghall-street—G. H. STEVENS, Lyme- Reg- he lime-burner, July 31, Aug. 14, Sept. S: solicitors, Child and Man, Southwark- bridge—J. PONTEN, Strand, hat-maker, Aug. 4, II, Sept.8: solicitor, Collier and Co. Carey street. Be eiturrs.—[To surrender in the Country.]—G. ASPINWALL, Manchester, com- mission-agent, Aug. 4, 5, Sept. S : solicitors, Austell and Hobson, Gray's-inn—J. A. Wt Lis A 3IS, Fitton, Gloucestershire, dealer, Aug. IZ 13, Sept. 8: solicitor, Mr. Walker, Exchequer-ollice—G. 0. Houle wrote, Blandford-Forum, grocer, Aug. 10, 11, Sept. 8: solicitor, Mr. Marshall, Austinfriars—T. TINLEY, jun. Liverpool, ship-owner, Aug. 8, 10, Sept. S : solicitors, Lowton and Nicholson, Gray'senn—S. HORSLEY, Kingston- upon-Hull, innkeeper, Aug. 20, 21, Sept. 8 : solicitor, Mr. Wing, Gray's-inn—A. J. DA Cosea, Liverpool, merchant, Aug. 25, 26, Sept. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Lowe, Southamp- ton-buildings, Chancery-lane—S. R. RR 0 OES, Manciester, merchant, Aug. 8, 10, Sept. S: solicitors, Taylor and Roscoe, Temple—W. H. CLARICE, Honiton, linen-draper, Aug. 17, IS, Sept. : solicitor, Mr. Rhodes, Chancery-lane--T. Court:, Wigan, cotton-manu- facturer, Aug. 20, 21, Sept. 5: solicitors, Milne and Parry, Temple—C. FeLnoe, Ox- ford, tailor, Aug. 20, 21, Sept. 8 : solicitors, Robinson and Co. Charter-house-square.
Divinetnus.— Aug. 26, T. Primett, jun. Beccles, butcher—Aug. 18, M. and S. F. Welcker, Leicester-square, tailors—Aug. 18, Cadogan, Water-street, carpenter—Aug. le, ‘Vollaston, Great Castle-street, wine-merchant—Aug. 20, Duncan and Co. Liver- pool, merchants—Aug. 29, Pryce, Llanfyllin, Montgomeryshire, maltster—Aug. 21, Wil- liams, Cirencester, ironmonger—Aug. 20, Johns, Stratford-upon-Avon, corn-dealer- Aug. 19, Mannnatt, Birmingham, grocer. •• CERTIFICATES to be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before due. 15.—Womersley, Little Guilford-street, hat-manufacturer—Clements, Liverpool, common-brewer—Bate, Hinley, millwright—Richmond,- Stockton, mercer—Sutton, Mar- garet-street, colour-dealer—Sephton, Liverpool, iron-merchant—Chapman, London anti Quebec, merchants—Johnson, Watford, farmer—Hart, East India Chambers, wine- merchant—Gordon and Johnson, Salford, coininon-brewers.
Friday, July 31.
PARTNERSHIPS The soLven.—Barnard and Belcher, Lower Edmonton, wine-mer- chants—T. and J. Atkinson. Ripon, flax-spinners—Palmer and Son, Loughborough, grocers—.L, H. H. and J.Birley, Manchester, merchants ; as far as regards J. Burley— Burley and Kirk, Manchester and Chorlton-row, cotton-spinners—A. and J. Molyneaux, Linver 'rooting and Blerton-bridge, plumbers—F. and F. Drake, Norwich, grocers— Cawley and Co., Runcorn, slate-merchants—Dobbin and Medford, Shoe-lane, gold and silver-platers—II. and D. Bunn, and Irven, DeWitt, haberdashers—Doyle and Son, High Holborn, metal sashehanufacturers—Holt and Co. Lancashire, cotton spinners—B. and G. Smith, John-street, Marylebone, furnishing undertakers—Dearden and Molineaux, Chorlton-row, Lancashire, pawnbrokers—Hooton and Co. Manchester, seedsmen ; as thr as regards Flooton—M. C. and W. B. Dawes, Bolton-le-Moore, common- brewers- Stntther and Sons, Glusgow,brewers—Green and Williamson, Runcorn, joiners—j. and N. Verey, Regent-street, hosiers—J. and H. Verey, and Brown, Princes-street, Hano- ver-square, tailors; as far as regards J. Verey—Ferrester and Co., Leicester, woollen yarn.manufacturers—Felton and Cu., Hinckley, machine-makers—Carrill and Co., Hollingworth and Manchester, paper-manufacturers—Ingleby and Co., Wood-street and Taunton, silk-manufacturers—Howard and Co., Old-street, St. Luke's—Wood and Son, Derby, coal-dealers—liewson and Harvey, Lincoln, urgeons—Jones and Co., Manchester, tea-dealers—Clarke and Moore, Leadenhall-street, woollen-drapers —Collins and Harrison, Holderness, farmers—Steele and Andrew, Congleton, iron- merchan ts—Attwood and Poulter, Western-Exchange, Bond-street, jewellers—Gale and Stokes, Bethnal-green-road, undertakers—Benson and Strutt, Hammersmith—Coombe and Hellas, Manchester, wire-drawers—J. and J. Rushton, Liverpool and Manchester, merchants.
o se esere.—July 30, J. H. AVERY, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, printer—S. F. GILA'S', New Bond-street, chemist.
SA SKRU rimy ENLA R GE IL—A. WII/TE and W. METCALF, Lamb's-Condnit-street, linendraper, from Aug. 14, to Oct. 2.
BANE RUPTS .—[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court,Basinghalbstreet.] —C.CLEAVE Walthamstow, lirneburner, Aug. 6, 7, Sept. 11: solicitor, Mr. Thornbury, Chancery- lane—M, W. Bin: it un, Burwood.mews, Titchbount-street, horse-dealer, Aug. 7,14, Sept. 11: solicitors, Evitt and Co. Haydon.square—T. Hixo, Queen-street, City, victualler, Aug. 7, 14, Sept. 11: solicitors, Clutton and Co. High-street, Southwark—R. BAR- Tonal', Stanford-place, Kent-road, commercial-agent, Aug. 11, 14, Sept. 11: solicitors, Harvey and Co. Lincolieseint-tields—W. JEFFS, Isabella-place, Kennington, common- brewer, Aug. 7, 14, Sept. 11: solicitors, Stevens and Co. Little St. Thomas Apostle. Baxeau l'TS.—[To surrender in the Country.j—S. Li VenSIDG c, Rotherham, iron-
founder, Aug. 17, 13, Sept. 11: solicitor, Mr. King, Castle-street, Holborn—W. Weide E, Taunton, victualler, Aug. 17, 18, Sept. 11: solicitors, Clowes and Co. Temple—W. Sees:c ea, otherwise W. V. Set:a:cep, Swanage, Dorsetshire,, Aug. 12, 19, Sept. 11: solicitors, Swain and Co. Old Jewry.
Divine ams.—Aug. 26, Weston Liverpool, merchant—Awe 21, Bynner, Long-acre and Tothill-street, grocer—Aug. 21, Harris, Fore-street, linendraper—Aug. 28, Cook and Goring, Little Alie-street, Gnochnateseields, upholsterers—Aug. 21, Thomas, Osnaburgli- street, builder—Aug. 21, Perryman, Windsor, stationer—Aug. 25, Greases, Manchester, merchant—Aug. 21, Foam, Nottingham, dealer in shoes—Nov. 6, Rains, Wapping-wall, merchant—Aug. 21, Maltby, Algarkirk, butcher—Aug. 28, Darwin and Frith, Chapel- town and Sheffield, iron-founders—Aug. 26, Johnson, Berwick-upon-Tweed, corn.tner- chant—Ang. 21, Pownall, New North-road and Lothbury, broker—Aug. 22, Hockin, Launceston, money-scrivener.
Cermet CATE S to be granted,unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Aug. 21.—Nunney, Kensington, plasterer—Harper, Coventry, rib:it'd-manufacturer—Bennett, Manchester, earthenware-dealer—Wilmot, Beckford-row, Walworth, coal merchant— Hall, Worcester, veterinary-sergeon—Lister, Shelf, Yorkshire, grocer—Smith, High Holborn, bookseller—Smith, High-street, Lambeth, smith—Clare, Liverpool, grocer.