An Account of the Early Reformation in Spain, and the Inquisition, translated from the French by the late Dr. A. F. Ramsay, with a Memoir of the Translator-Mr. Swan is preparing for publication a Demonstration of the Nerves of the Human Body, founded on the subjects of the two Collegial Anatomical prizes adjudged to him by the Royal College of Surgeons-111r. Bernays, the editor of the German Poetical Anthology, is preparing for the press a History of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time---A translation of the Library of Entertaining Knowledge is about to appear in Franct-A History of the Revolution of Spain and Portugal, as well as of the war which followed, written by Colonel Scheoeler, ci-devant Charge d'AffaireO from the court of Berlin to that of Madrid, and translated under the author's eye, has been published at Liege-Illustrations of the Parts concerned in the Lateral Operation of Lithotomy, with a Description of the Mode of performing it, by Edward Stanley, Lecturer on Ana- tomy and Physiology at St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
Wardlaw's Miscellaneous Sermons, Svo. 12s. bds.-Chambers's Scottish Songs, 2 vols. royal 18mo. I2s.; post 8vo. 18s. bds.-Scottish Ballads royal ISmo. Gs. ; post Sy°. 98. hds.-Wyse's Catholic Association, 2 vols. Svo. IL 4s. blis.-Book of the Boudoir, by 1.ady Morgan, 2 vols. post Svo.11. Is. bds.--ilIeredith's King of Sweden, 8vo. 12&bdite-, The Davenels, 2 vols. post 8vo. 18s. bds.-Kearsley's Tax Tables, 1829-30, Th. sewed.-- History and Conversion of a Jewish Boy, 12mo. Ss. bds.-Jones's Views in Wales was 4to. 11. I Is. 6d. bds.-Husband's Parochial Sermons, 12mo. 2s. fid. bds.-Mithra in the Central World, crown 8vo. 5s. bds.-Annual Register, 1828, 8vo. 16s. bds.-Chittro Stamp Act, 1829, 12mo. 9s. bds.-Darby's Student's Algebra, 12mo. 38. lid. sheep.-Bar. ker's National Reader, 12mo. 4s. 6d. sheep.-Ellen Cameron, 12mo. 58. hf.-bd.-Library of Useful Knowledge (Natural Philosophy), Vol. I. 8vo. Ss. bds.-Eneyeloptedia Metro, politana, second division, Mixed Sciences, Vol. 1. 4to. 31. 3s. bds.-Kitehiner's Fancy's First, or Tender Trifles, post Svo.-Guy's Exercises in English Syntax, 18rao. Is. Gd,
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