The attention of all classes of capitalists has, during the week, been directed to the approaching contract fur the West India Compensation Loan. It will be seen by the subjoined particulars, that it will be contracted for upon nearly the same terms as those which we communicated to our readers in our last week's postscript. The Chancellor of the Exchequer had fixed Wednesday morning as the time at which he would communicate to the public the terms and mode of raising the Loan. On that day, the several gentlemen who are desirous to become contractors assembled at the Treasury. Mr. SPRING RICK stated, that he was desirous of raising 15,000,000/. ; and that it was proposed to give for every 1001. subscribed in money the amount of 73/. Stock Three per Cent. Consols ; 25/. Three per Cent. Reduced ; and to receive biddings for the farther amount in Long Annuities, expiring the bth of January 1850.
" The interest on the Three per Cent. Reduced and Long Annuities to comments tom the 5th April, 1835. " The interest t n the Three per Cent. Consols to commence hom the 5111 Jut) itw, " An allowance of discount at 21. per cent, per annum in ths:usual manner. " No reserve f a public companies. " The days of payment to be as fellows--
Deposit 10 per cent. 111,5501)4)0.010°
16th October, 10 per cent.
13th November, 71 per cent 1.123.000
11th December, 74 per cent. 1,123.10) 1836.
13th January. 10 per cent 1.500.100
9th February. 9 per cent
11th March, 9 per cent ..
1211 April. 9 per cent.. 10th May. 6 per cent. 900,010 14th June, 5 per cent.
1.77: 1535 ,00, 0101 000 00i
12th July, 8 per cent. 1.200.000 16th August, 5 per cent
13th September, 4 per cent .. 600,000
f13.000.000 " With reference to the remaining sum of 5.000,000/., to complete the We-t India
grant of 20.000.000/., but a Well is not raised by the present loan, the Chancellor or die Exchequer said it would not be necessary fur him to make any arrangement for raising 3,300,000/. of that sum in the present session, in consequence of the claims form the !Mauritius and the Cape not coming into payment for a considerable time ; and h, respect to the money for Barbadoes, it stood upon a distinct footing front the rest, the Act for that colony having been declared by the King in Council to he ivadequ.tte and unsatisfactory. Powers would therefore be taken in an Act of the present to•ssioll to unite in the amount of stocks in the books in the Rank of England. which %mold eventually be transferred to the claimants of Barbadoes; but which could not, 11111111 ally contingency, come upon the market otherwise than gradually, and in prol °aim, as the several claims of the proprietors are affirmed by the adjudication of the Con. missioners."
The biddings to be made cn Monday morning next at ten o'clock ; when the contract will be adjudged to whomsoever will take the smallest quantity of Long Annuities in conjunction with the amount of Consols and Reduced already
determined for 100/. Stock. Immediately that the intentions of the Government became known, three lists were formed, one by Mr. ROTIts- CHILD ; another by Messrs. BAKING, Brothers, and Co., in conjunction with Messrs. REID, IRVING, and Co. ; and a third by Messrs. I. and S. Ric:keno and Co., and Messrs. MIEVILLE and MA u BeitTS. All these gentlemen, with the exception of Mr. ROTHSCHILD, have since given notice of the relinquish- ment of their intentions ; and Mr. ROTHScHiLD is now left without a competitor in this large financial operation. So great is the confidence of the capitalists in this gentleman, that the applications for subscriptions to him arc to three or four times the amount of the Loan. The fluctuation in Consols has, under the circumstances, been unusually small; and we have no doubt that, from the great abundance of money, no difficulty would have been experienced in raising two or three times the amount required. The Foreign Stocks have been flatter, in consequence of the Loan and the news from France on Tuesday ; but are recovering.
A meeting of the Columbian Bondholders was held yesterday, at the City of London Tavern. From a statement read to the meeting by Mr. Pow Les, it appears that the gross debt now due by the Columbian Government is 6.623,000/. ; and that the arrears of interest amount to 3,915,0001. more; making together 10,540,0001. now due by the three States into which the Republic has become divided. It further appears, that the accounts which have recently been current of the improved condition of the New States are exaggerations; that the ex- penditure of the most prosperous, Venezuela, is annually 8000 dollars above its income. The Bondholders are therefore left to the consolations of hope. The price of the Bonds has not been much affected ; the decline since yesterday being under I per cent.
Scarcely any thing of moment has occurred this morning : Consuls arc at yes- terday's prices. Spanish Stock has improved about per cent.; and the Money Market generally is firm, in consequence of the prices of the French Funds on Thursday having declined only about per cent., it was generally expected that the events of Tuesday would have produced a considerable decline, whenever the opening of the Bourse after the tkes permitted the commencement of business. The letters from Mr. ROTHCHILD in answer to the applications for the loan are now in the course of delivery, and the Omnium is at 2 per cent.
3 -er Cent. Consols r. Ditto for Account New 34 per Cent. Annuities Bank Stock India Stock tbr Account Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents. ex. div Brazilian 5 per Cents..... • Danish 3 per Cents 831 90 89J 90
98* 1
— 22 3 994 1001 854 1 76/ Z Dutch 24 per Ceuts French 3 per Cents Greek, 1825.5 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents. Portuguese 3 per Cents Do. Regency 3 per Cent Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent Spanish. 1821, 5 per Cent Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent 51/ 1
351 3tl 5'.11 60 901 91 1081 94 5114
94 9 dis.