1 AUGUST 1835, page 10

Goodwood Races Commenced On Tuesday. The Number Of Horses...

greater than had been known at any former meeting, and the attendance of company was larger than usual. The running on Tues- day was as follows- TitR DRAwrsto noon STAKES of 25......


Mr. Shaw, the Recorder of Dublin, is reported to have spoken as follows at a public dinner in Dublin on the 14th July- " Our opponents are not to N. despised, fur their activity......

About Eighteen Years Since, Mr. Ayton, Landlord Of The Dog

Inn, Falkenham, left the Swan Inn, Woodbridge, where he had been at market, at ten o'clock at night. Shortly 'afterwards, he was found dead on the road, near Mr. Hayward's......

At The Cambridge Assizes, Centrum, The Person Who Was Found

gailty at the last Assizes of having bribed voters, was tried on an indictment for bribing nine other voters to give their suffrages to Mr. Knight. He pleaded Guilty ; but his......

Tirbe Country.

Accounts of the registration received from the country continue favourable to the Reformers. The Hampshire Independent, a South- ampton paper says, that " no Tory—either......