1 AUGUST 1835, Page 16


Wanderings and Adventures in the Interior of Southern Africa, By Andrewnytead.- a mn. In 2 vols. I o Jamaica as it Was, as it Is, and as it Should be.. By a Retired Military Oliicer. T. Hurst.

The State and Position of Western Australia. commonly called the Swatt River Settlement. By Captain F. Chidlev Irwin. late Commandant of the Troops. and Acting Governor of the Colony Simpl,ia sad Marshall. Two Journies TI rongh Maly and Switzerland. By William Thomsen. Aesistant

Cummissaty•General to the Fumes


MI Lot A or swore ss, ItuauLm Shots from a Riflemun. Br J. Kincaid, late Captain in and Author of " Adventures in the Rifle Brigade:`' Hoirou T and Boone. The life and Times of tyilltam tlin Third. King of Eyebolt! and Sladtholder or Holland. By the Hon. Arthur Trevor, M.A. F.A.S. M.R.S.L. of Chaise Church, Ostord. In 2 oils. (Vol. 1 ) 1 e,fituan and Co. Fieriest.

Autobiography of an Irish Traveller In 3 vets I Raman and Co. Sentiment, out Principle; or au Old Man's Legaey. In 2 vols.—JP/dasher mid Co.