Groombridge's Annual Reader. By Mark Antony Lower, M.A- (Groombridge.)—The idea
of this book is to give as a series of lessons. for schools, accounts drawn from various sources of the principal. events which have happened during the year. Mr. Lower hopes that. in this way the young will learn what is going on about them in the' world, without being subjected to the dissipation of mind which is. caused by reading of newspapers. The notion is a good one, and it- seems fairly well executed. But a practical objection, which we know to have a certain weight, occurs to us, namely, that very few school- masters would venture to introduce a new class-book every year.
We have also to notice with approval two volumes of Oppen's useful Series of German Classics, Schiller's Wilhelm Tell and Goethe's. lphigenie auf Tauris.
The author of the volume on Faith and Works, reviewed in thew columns last week, is the Rev. W. A. O'Connor.