Groombridge's Annual Reader. By Mark Antony Lower, M.a-...
of this book is to give as a series of lessons. for schools, accounts drawn from various sources of the principal . events which have happened during the year. Mr. Lower hopes......
E V Ery Man His Own Lawyer. By A Barrister. (lockwood.)...
ntside of this volume is the attractive announcement, " No more wyers' bills !" The book which is to produce this marvellous result is dictionary of legal facts, well put......
A Tour In Crete. By Edward Postlethwaite. (hotten.)—mr.....
about six weeks in the summer of last year among the Cretan insurgents. He seems to have seen very little, and to lack the power of describing that little. But the book--for we......
Materials For German Prose Composition. By Dr. Buchheim....
Daldy.)—This is an exceedingly useful book, which aims at giving practical instruction in a branch of study which no one who wishes to perfect himself in German can afford to......