The rising tide of casualties on the roads, coupled with
rho reputation which the army has rightly or wrongly gained fc dangerous driving, draws attention to an anomaly that wt come as a surprise to most people. Last week a Metropolitan magistrate had before him a soldier charged with driving military lorry dangerously. He found the case proved anc, suspended the man's driving-licence--or rather would bae done so if he could. Actually he discovered that army driver have no ordinary driving-licences, but only a card, over v. hid civil magistrates have no control. I heard of another simile case in another locality on the same day. The result is that soldiers who are adjudged to drive so dangerously that they ought not to be allowed to drive at all, and would not allowed if they were civilians, can pursue their devastating career unchecked by anyone except their superior officers whose standards may or may not be those of the average bench—and who certainly want to keep their drivers on tiv