Mr. Sumner Welles Has Described The Action Of Japan As
being " for the purposes of a further and more obvious movement of conquest in adjacent areas." Mr. Eden has spoken of it as a " potential threat " to British territories and......
Japan Takes The Plunge A Fter The Weeks Of Doubts And
hesitation which followed Germany's attack on Russia,. Japan has taken the plunge and " moved southwards." Vichy's subMissiveness to the Axis in Indo-China as elsewhere seems to......
Mr. Hopkins's Assurances
Mr. Harry Hopkins, President Roosevelt's personal envoy, who is now in consultation with the Russian Government in Moscow, had a cheering message for British listeners last Sun-......
The Russo-polish Treaty
The treaty between Russia and Poland, signed at the Foreign Office on Wednesday, is one more impressive demonstration of the power of Hitler to unite hitherto irreconcilable......