31 JULY 1947, Page 15


Sta,—From the point of view of the editors of provincial weekly papers, one effect of the added restrictions of newspaper has not received its proper emphasis. Local authorities are now engaged in vast problems— the administration of the Education Act, the National Health Act and shortly the Town Planning Act. If they are to carry out their work, their meetings must be adequately reported in order that the public may know what they are doing and why they are doing it and, when controversial matters arise, they may be able to create an informed public opinion. Representatives of local authorities, even more than Members of Parlia- ment, need advice and guidance from those they represent. These things are impossible without a local Press, and a local Press cannot fulfil its function without its raw material—newsprint —Yours faithfully,

Windsor, Slough and Eton Express, FRANCIS GRAVES,

4 High Street, Windsor. Editor.