Boarding Schools And The L.c.c.
SIR, —In my opinion it is Sir E. Graham Little who is moved by political prejudice in this matter—prejudice in favour of boarding schools. He does not seem to realise that......
General Von Falkenhausen
knew General von Falkenhausen at a time when both he and I were working for the Chinese Government in the early days of the Japanese, war against China. I can also testify that......
Dutch Patience
Sta,—In your issue of July 25th your able and usually well informed news commentator omits two important further reasons why the Dutch Government has lost its patience; namely,......
Family Endowment Act
SIR,— As president of the Women's Liberal Federation, I have been asked to point out a grave injustice in the working of the Family Endowment Act. The prime motive for family......
Newsprint And Provincial Papers
Sta,—From the point of view of the editors of provincial weekly papers, one effect of the added restrictions of newspaper has not received its proper emphasis. Local authorities......
School Curricula
Sm,—I disagree with Mr. Exclby's arguments in his latest letter on school curricula. How are we fairly to decide who are capable of utilising a university education unless all......