fat Court.
Lord Melbourne dined and spent the evening with the Queen at Windsor on Sunday, and returned to town the next morning. On Thursday, the Queen, attended by the Marchioness of Tavistock, Mrs. Brand, Lord Torrington, Sir Frederick Stovin, and Colonel Cavendish, arrived at Buckiugham Palace. Her Majesty held a Court and Privy Council in the afternoon. Redschid Pacha, Ambassador from the Porte, was presented to the Queen, and delivered his cre- dentials. He was the bearer of a "magnificent brilliant necklace" from the Sultan to her Majesty. A proclamation was ordered in Council for the prorogation of Parliament to the .5th of February, when it is to he summoned to meet "for the despatch of business." The Queen left the Palace for Windsor, soon after four o'clock.
The Duke of Sussex is at present visiting Colonel Wildman, at Newstead Abbey.