The Bishop Of London, Who Cannot Tolerate The Sight Of
Richmond steam-boats, laden with the merry folk of the Metropolis, as they pass the gardens of Fulham on summer Sundays, may acquire useful infor- mation from a perusal of the......
Sir John Hobhouse Has Appointed Mr. Erskine, Grandson To Sir
James Mackiutosb, as a writer in India. Mr. Sergeant Ambin is gazetted Judge-Advocate-General ; but it is understood that this is merely a temporary arrangement, and it is pro-......
The Times Has Been Inflamed With Pious Wrath Against The
con- tinuance of the Marquis of Headfort in the Queen's Household, not only because the Marquis attended an anti-tithe meeting, but on ac- count of his having been defendant in......
" An Englishman Is Quite Astonished To See A Foreign
nobleman or gentleman treet an old servant as a friend. This social estrangement has greatly increased within our recollection. In the ell.s of the High !:chool of Edinburgh, to......
Marshal Loaau, Commander-in. Chief Of The National...
of an affection of the lungs. Marshal Loaau, Commander-in. Chief of the National Guards,died on Tuesday, of an affection of the lungs. The National Guard at Metz has been......
The Dumfries Times states that there will be no opposition from the Tories to the return of Mr. Murray of Broughton for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. A public dinner is to be......
Lord Hill The Commander Of The Forces, Lord Howiek The
Secre- tary at War, and the Attorney-General, had an interview, which lasted several hours, with Lord Melbourne and Lord Glenelg at the Colonial Office yesterday.—Standard. The......
A Country Newspaper, With A Postage Ebarge Of 19.s. 3d.,
on account of markings within, Wall this morning brought to our WILY., and refused. We have no room this week for Letters to the Editor, of any kind.......
At A Meeting Of The Royal Society Yesterday, The :krarquis
of North- ampton was unanimously elected President, in the room of the Duke of Sussex. A letter from the Duke of Sussex to Mr. Gillon, cordially approv- ing of that gentleman's......
A Report Of An "atrocious Assault" On The British Consul
at Alex- andria, by the crew of a pinnace belonging to an Egyptian sloop of war, has found its way into the foreign correspondence of the French journals ; but letters of a......
Postscri Pt.
SATURDAY. Accounts from Madrid announce the resignation of all the Spanish Ministers, except the Duke DE FRIAS, whom the Queen Regent wished to retain as President of the......